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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

RSOE EDIS Event Report EH-20111011-32641-USA

RSOE EDIS Event Report 
Epidemic Hazard in USA on Tuesday, 11 October, 2011 at 16:06 (04:06 PM) UTC.
A student at Commack (KOH-mak) High School on Long Island has been diagnosed with tuberculosis. The school district says on its website that the unidentified student is receiving treatment. It cites the Suffolk County Health Department saying there is no further risk of transmission. A letter was mailed to the parents of all high school students and each high school staff member. The county Health Department will hold meetings with parents on Thursday and Friday night in the high school auditorium. The disease is caused by an infection transmitted through the air by a person with active TB. Symptoms include a bad cough that lasts more than three weeks, night sweats and coughing up blood or phlegm.
Biohazard name:Tuberculosis
Biohazard level:3/4 Hight
Biohazard desc.:Bacteria and viruses that can cause severe to fatal disease in humans, but for which vaccines or other treatments exist, such as anthrax, West Nile virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, SARS virus, variola virus (smallpox), tuberculosis, typhus, Rift Valley fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, yellow fever, and malaria. Among parasitesPlasmodium falciparum, which causes Malaria, and Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes trypanosomiasis, also come under this level.

LINK: District Confirms Tuberculosis Case at Commack High School

Credit: Victoria Reitano
TB Test
acid fast bacilli of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

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